Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Charles plays T-ball

originally uploaded by annemgibson.
This marks the beginning of my foray into childrens' team sports. I can't say that I was excited about it. So far I have been able to survive the "soccer mom" mentality of the women I have to play nice with. One lady, sitting behind me, was snarking about how she wrote the rule book and that the little girl should have been out when a kid got the ball to first before her. Then she screams at her kid the whole time. Keep in mind these little kids are 5, and it's the first game. (Also, they don't keep score or really get anyone out for the entire season of t-ball) Oh how I wish I could say something. I am perfecting the nod and smile technique. Any tips for not catfighting with annoying soccer moms?